Code of Business Conduct & Ethics for Directors’/ Management Personnel
The Code of Business Conduct & Ethics for Directors’/ Personnel (‘the Code’), as adopted by the Board, is applicable to all Directors and management personnel. The Code while laying down, the standards of business conduct, ethics and governance, centres around the following theme.
“The Company’s Board of Directors and Management Personnel are responsible for and are committed to setting the standards of conduct contained in this Code and for updating these standards, as appropriate, to ensure their continuing relevance, effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of local and international investors and all other stakeholders as also to reflect corporate, legal and regulatory developments. This Code should be adhered to in letter and in spirit.”
A copy of the Code has been put on the Company’s website The Code has been circulated to all the members of the Board and management personnel and the compliance of the same is affirmed by them annually.
A declaration signed by the Chairman & Managing Director of the Company is given below:
I hereby confirm that the Company has obtained from all the members of the Board and management personnel, affirmation that they have complied with the Code of Business Conduct & Ethics for Directors’/Management Personnel in respect of the financial year 2012-13.
Naveen Kohli
(Chairman & Managing Director)